29 September 2012

First (actual) post!

Ok, so I've had this blog for a while now, but I never really posted anything on here. Why? Because of MAJOR technical problems!! I had a whole bunch of posts saved as drafts... then one day I tried to log on to my account and EVERYTHING was deleted!! Even my Gmail account...! (don't ask me how/why/what happened... because I have no idea!) I emailed the kind people at Google and explained my situation and within 24 hours, everything was back... Except my drafted blog posts!! (Only one was rescued though, the Sigma Beauty one, which is so weird! That one only took a few minutes to write, unlike my others which took AGES!)

Anyway, never mind! I can always start again; no big deal, I guess! :) I just wanted to get back to (or actually, start...) blogging, but I wanted to let you know why there is a HUUUGE gap in the dates between my Sigma ("first") post and this one!

If there is anything in particular you want me to talk about/review etc, please let me know and I will do my best!

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